Get Rid Of The Chemicals In Your Pet's Food, Treats, and Supplements - Homescape Pets

Get Rid Of The Chemicals In Your Pet's Food, Treats, and Supplements

Stop Allowing Chemicals In Your Pet's Life

You already know this but it still needs to be said: Your cat or dog DOES NOT need chemicals in their food, treats, or supplements. They need chemical-free, simple, effective, and affordable foods, treats, and supplements. That's it. What's crazy is how hard it is to recognize these things in pet food and treats. Hopefully this article helps you make alternative choices that skip this problem altogether.

One last thought before we continue. There seems to be a distinction in the pet world between "people" food and "pet" food. There is in some respects. Your pet's specific nutritional needs are mandated by the AAFCO with regard to pet food. This is a good thing. But there are other aspects like what is acceptable to add to pet food that really begs to be questioned. But that is another article unto itself.

Your pet's food is not fit for human consumption? Think about that for a second. Did they not evolve right beside human, eating the same things we have for millennia? "Pet food" literally did not exist until turn of the 20th century, there was just food. Also, how is the same high quality food that you eat and feed your family not fit for your pet? We do not mean pizza! We mean whole, unprocessed food; meats, some veggies and herbs, never grains and starches. It's one thing if your budget is tight or you must feed kibble for any of the various valid reasons, but don't let the pet food industry convince you that their products are better for your pet because that's what they are "supposed" to eat. That's not an accurate perspective. Let's explore some of the things to consider. 

They don't need artificial or "natural" flavors. We're looking at you "bacon-flavor" and "natural peanut-butter flavored". If you need a little flavor boost to entice your pet, try giving them REAL bacon, a little bacon grease, or REAL peanut butter. It's healthier and cheaper than "flavored" products. One of the peanut butter brands that we love is Spread The Love. They offer organic, super-spreadable peanut butter that contains nothing but peanuts. It's not only tasty for your whole family, but it's also safe for pets (provided they don't have a peanut allergy).

They don't need preservatives. With a little research, you can feed your pet without fillers and preservatives for roughly the same price as processed kibble. You can look into great companies like Sojos Pet Food for freeze dried raw meals or buy meats and bones from your local grocery store when they're on sale and have them ground for you right there at the meat department. Then add veggies, egg, and healthy fats for natural nutrients. Freeze in portions. Serve, then pat yourself on the back for improving your pet's health and saving money.

Treats don't need extra ingredients. Are you looking for easy, convenient, delicious treats for your cat or dog? Try single ingredient treats like beef lung, turkey hearts, sweet potatoes, or minnows. All can be found at your local grocery or pet store. If you're feeling ambitious, you can even dehydrate your own meats, sweet potatoes, or veggies for inexpensive, homemade goodies. If your pet enjoys a cookie-type treat, look no further than Simply Sage Dog Treats. Chloe creates limited ingredient, organic baked treats with human grade ingredients that are not only delicious, but they're healthy too! She makes treats like Blueberry Mint, Carrot Turmeric, and Sweet Potato Chamomile. Yum!  (And yes, we tried them, so we can say with certainty that they're delicious.)

It's important to us that your pet get the same quality of life that YOU get. Human grade food, supplements, and treats should be the norm. That's what we offer here at Homescape Pets. Chemical-free, organic, effective, and affordable supplements with whole herbs for whole body health. Let's love our pets. Reach out to us if you need help finding clean, safe, chemical-free products for your furry companion. We're always happy to help!



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