🐾 The People (and Paws) Behind Homescape Pets 🐾 - Homescape Pets

🐾 The People (and Paws) Behind Homescape Pets 🐾

Who owns Homescape Pets

We're Nana and Marcus (the humans). We're also Beau, Quinn, and Minnie (the pups). We're a family just like yours. Our pets are just like yours. We wanted to stop in and share with you a bit of who we are and why Homescape Pets exists.
In 2016, our 12 year old mini-schnauzer, Beau, began sneezing violently, followed by nosebleeds and low energy. The vet diagnosed her with allergies. This seemed unlikely to us, considering the sudden onset and besides, she'd been incredibly healthy her entire life. 
Two different vets later, we learned our sweet girl had a nasal tumor. Learning the painful, harmful, expensive, and often-times futile impact of traditional pharmaceutical treatments, left us saddened. We knew we didn't have much time remaining with her. Given Beau's age and the advanced stage of her cancer, we began researching and implementing natural, holistic methods of reducing her symptoms in order to ensure that she had the best quality of life for her remaining time. Most important to us was that she was comfortable, mobile, happy, and in as little pain as possible. 
We had so many questions, but most of all, we wanted to know what choices had we made during her life that led us here? Could we have given more thought to her food, medical care, or vaccines? Might that might have produced a different health result? We will never definitively know in Beau's case, but after exhaustive  research we discovered that chances are good that different food and care choices along the way may very well have produced a better outcome. This lit a fire under us to find better solutions for other pets.
In the interim, this meant finding Beau a holistic veterinarian and researching healthier diets and natural options for pain relief, inflammation, lethargy, and anxiety. She experienced significant improvements in her strength, energy, and happiness in just a few weeks but the end was inevitable. We lost her on the morning of September 26, 2016. 
Even though our little lady has since passed away, her legacy and our love for her pushes us everyday to provide the best, most natural products that we can.  Our Beau deserved the best and that's what we gave her every single day from her diagnosis until her last day. She is our reason. Our WHY.  Our girl. 
We've since brought home 2 new pups: Quinn (beagle/shepherd mix) & Minnie-May (mini-schnauzer) and our commitment to them is as strong as it was to Beau. Our line of products was created for you and your pets, and inspired by ours. Each product is geared towards making our pet’s lives a little better and most of all...a lot healthier. To ensure quality and tastiness, Quinn and Minnie test and use all of our products.
We strive to offer clean, pure products, free of additives or preservatives. The ingredients listed are the only ingredients. Plain and simple. Less is more.
Eat real foods and be mindful of ingredients. Get outside. Treat your pet’s body right. Treat YOUR body right. Be kind. Enjoy life. This is our code.
We are Homescape Pets and we THANK YOU for loving your pets as much as we love ours. 

Nana, Marcus, Quinn, Minnie (and Beau 💚)

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