CBD Gummies For Your Pet - Homescape Pets

CBD Gummies For Your Pet

If your pets are like ours, they're smart and probably a bit finicky about what they eat. So getting them to willingly take supplements or vitamins can require a little creativity. 

Thanks to an idea and recommendation from our friends Devin and Pat, and their pets Bella and Moe-Cat of Colorado_Canine, we decided to try our hand at making CBD gummies. A tiny bite of healthy, tasty goodness that all of our pets enjoyed. We're sharing the easy 4-step recipe below in hopes that your pet will enjoy them too and you can celebrate outsmarting your pet!

CBD Gummies for Pets | Homescape Pets

Companion's Best Day CBD Gummies for Pets

CBD Gummy Recipe for Pets | Homescape Pets

  • Silicone mold of your choice (our bone-shaped tray has 18 molds)
  • 1/2 cup hot bone broth. For our bone broth recipe, check out our Tasty Tricks Recipe Guide.
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons unflavored gelatin powder
  • 3 full droppers / 90 droplets of Companion’s Best Day CBD Oil (each gummy will contain approximately 5mg CBD).
    • Note: You can adjust the number of droplets to meet your pet's CBD needs based on their weight. Please see the Companion’s Best Day usage recommendations for dosage suggestions.
  1. Sprinkle gelatin into hot bone broth. Whisk quickly and thoroughly.
  2. Add Companion’s Best Day CBD and continue whisking until thoroughly mixed.
  3. Fill molds half full.
  4. Freeze for 30 minutes.
  5. Serve based on your pet's needs

Refrigerate in an airtight container for up to 5 days.

Pet CBD Gummies | Homescape Pets

If you make these gummies for your pet, please let us know how they turn out and how your pet likes them!

(Say hello to Moe-Cat & Bella trying out their tasty gummies)

 Moe-Cat and Bella of Colorado_Canine




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